Jamaica Sustainable Energy Roadmap

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Nov 212013

Worldwatch’s Climate and Energy team just launched its groundbreaking Sustainable Energy Roadmap for Jamaica, a look at the measures that the country can take to transition its electricity sector to one that is socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable.

The report, Jamaica Sustainable Energy Roadmap: Pathways to an Affordable, Reliable, Low-Emission Electricity System, is the culmination of years of intensive investigation. It analyzes the potential for energy efficiency and renewable energy deployment in Jamaica and discusses the social and economic impacts of alternative energy pathways. Click here for more information about the project and to read the report.

Worldwatch Institute: Jamaika hat großes Potenzial für Photovoltaik und Solarthermie

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Nov 112013

soloserver_logoLaut einem neuen Bericht des Worldwatch-Instituts (Washington D.C., USA) besteht in Jamaika eine großes Potenzial für Photovoltaik, Solarthermie und andere Technologien zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien. Mit ihnen könnte Strom günstiger erzeugt werden als mit den fossilen Kraftwerken, die derzeit auf der Insel eingesetzt werden.

Die „Jamaica Sustainable Energy Roadmap” besagt, die aktuell installierte PV-Leistung sei nicht bekannt, aber zu vernachlässigen. Dennoch könnte Jamaika 22% seines Strombedarfs mit Photovoltaik-Kraftwerken an sieben Standorten decken, die in der Studie identifiziert werden. Auch die Installation von Solarstrom-Aufdachanlagen könnte dazu beitragen, die hohen Kosten für den notwendigen Netzausbau zu senken.

„Jamaika zahlt einen kolossalen Preis für den Import umweltverschmutzender und gesundheitsschädlicher fossiler Brennstoffe, obwohl die besten sauberen Energiequellen doch vor der Türe liegen: Wind, Sonne, Wasser und Biomasse“, sagt Alexander Ochs, Institutsdirektor für Klima und Energie und Mitautor der Studie.

„Die Regierung von Jamaika hat das Ziel, bis 2030 ein Fünftel des Energiebedarfs des Inselstaats mit Erneuerbaren zu decken; unser Plan hilft, es zu erreichen. Außerdem zeigt die Studie, dass die Messlatte viel höher gelegt werden kann und sollte: Jamaika kann in ein paar Jahrzehnten seine CO2-Emissionen auf null bringen, und davon würde die Bevölkerung enorm profitieren.“ Continue reading »

Worldwatch Institute Launches Groundbreaking Sustainable Energy Roadmap for Jamaica

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Nov 012013
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New Worldwatch Institute Roadmap explores the renewable energy status and potential in the country
Washington, D.C.—The Worldwatch Institute today launched its groundbreaking Sustainable Energy Roadmap for Jamaica, a look at the measures that the Jamaican government can take to transition its electricity sector to one that is socially, environmentally, and financially sustainable. The report, Jamaica Sustainable Energy Roadmap: Pathways to an Affordable, Reliable, Low-Emission Electricity System, is the culmination of years of intensive investigation. It analyzes the potential for energy efficiency and renewable energy deployment in Jamaica and discusses the social and economic impacts of alternative energy pathways, concluding that a scenario of high renewable penetration can bring significant savings, greater energy security, gains in competitiveness, and many other important benefits to the country.

“Jamaica is paying a colossal price to import polluting and health-threatening fossil fuels, even when it has the best clean energy resources at its doorstep: wind, solar, hydro, and biomass,” says Alexander Ochs, Director of Climate and Energy at Worldwatch and a co-author of the study. “The Jamaican government has set a nationwide goal of 20 percent renewable energy use by 2030; our Roadmap will help to realize this goal. What’s more, our analysis shows that the bar can and should be set much higher: Jamaica can become a zero-carbon island in a matter of decades, and its people would benefit enormously from such a transition.”

Worldwatch collaborated closely on this project with the Government of Jamaica. “I am very confident that the outcome of this project will enable Jamaica to map, in more precise ways, the additional electricijamaicaty generation capacity that we seek,” says Jamaican Energy Minister Philip Paulwell. “We intend to use the Roadmap to determine the next phase of new generation capacity, and it will enable us to be far more efficient than we have in the past.” Continue reading »